Michelle Juergen



My name is Michelle and I’m dedicated to helping people create a more active, healthy, happy, and sustainable lifestyle!



Fitness, Kinesiology & Health Science

It is easy to get lost in the amount of information and misinformation that we find on the internet, read in magazines, and hear from family and friends.

Even I found myself falling for the idea of “quick fixes” to achieve my weight loss goals when I was younger, and let me tell you right away, it did not work out.

The search and testing of shakes, diets, and ridiculous fat burner trends exhausted me, physically and mentally.

Yet, through my struggles with self-image and the pressure to perform as an athlete, I discovered my passion for health and fitness.

After living in a small town in Germany for 19 years, I decided to pursue my interests in the United States.

Through studying exercise science and kinesiology & health promotion, I learned that there is no such thing as a quick fix.

Relaxation & Rejuvenation

As much as I would like to present you with a groundbreaking magic pill that transforms you overnight, the beauty of a healthy body is that it is only achieved through hard work.

Now, this statement is indeed a tough pill to swallow. However, I am committed to guiding you through your struggles to achieve your individual fitness goals.

I want to help you change your lifestyle in a sustainable way; no drastic calorie cuts or excruciating workouts.

Fitness isn’t a sprint, it is a marathon, and what’s underneath the surface is more important than what you see on the outside.

My objective is to teach and educate my clients to the point where they don’t need me anymore (Yes, I’m trying to work myself out of my job). 

Enjoy the good life

My Service

By choosing to work with me as your online personal trainer.

You will receive personalized workouts and nutrition guides, tailored to your needs, availability, and environment (gym/home).

As well as monthly check-ins with me, either via video or chat, which will hold you accountable and will give us the opportunity to connect and chat about your progress.

You will receive access to my personal blog where I share educational information on health and fitness, my thoughts on fitness-fads, and a variety of other content in the form of text and video.

Lastly, you will always have the opportunity to reach out to me with any questions, concerns, or thoughts.

Our Pool

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Our Sauna

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Our Hot Tub

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